More solar for Frankfurt

More than 70 % of global emissions occur in cities - most of it in Frankfurt because of electricity. This makes cities like Frankfurt an important part of stopping the climate crisis.

Today, 2,782 photovoltaic systems (with 45 out of a total of 2,100 megawatts) have been installed on the rooftops of Frankfurt. That is only 4.6 % of our solar potential! So we still have to make the biggest increase:

Updated: 5. August 2022

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Our energy, our advantage

As a tenant, how do you get solar on the roof without your landlady*lord having any costs?

First, building owners/landladies*lords lease the roof to an energy cooperative such as Green Planet Energy. The energy cooperative then finances and installs the photovoltaic system. Tenants then receive independent, cheap electricity and can become members of the cooperative. As cooperatives only belong to their members, everyone can participate democratically.

Now we need roofs! So write your landlady*lord and ask her*him to lease the roof to an energy cooperative. You can find a proposal here.

To the proposal